FOODEX Japan 2024 Success: Vianda’s Remarkable 200% Lead Generation Increase

FOODEX Japan 2024 Success - Vianda's Freeze-Dried Avocado Booth by WeLink

Client Introduction

Vianda, a Mexico-based food company, specializes in the production and export of freeze-dried avocado. With a reputation for quality and innovation, Vianda sought to expand its market presence in Asia, with a particular focus on Japan—a country known for its appreciation of high-quality, healthy food products.

The Problem

Challenges Faced by Vianda in Entering the Japanese Market The Problem

Vianda faced the challenge of entering the highly competitive Japanese food market. Despite their success in North America, they had limited experience in Asia, particularly in Japan where consumer preferences and business practices are distinct. Vianda’s goal was to establish reliable distribution channels and significantly boost their lead generation at FOODEX Japan 2024, one of the largest food exhibitions in Asia. However, they were apprehensive about the language barrier, cultural differences, and the complexities of navigating Japan’s strict food regulations.

We were excited about entering the Japanese market but equally nervous about the challenges we might face. The language barrier and cultural differences were particularly daunting. — Carlos Herrera, CEO of Vianda.

The Solution

How WeLink Drove FOODEX Japan 2024 Success for Vianda

Vianda found WeLink through a referral from a business associate who had successfully entered the Japanese market with WeLink’s support. After a series of consultations, Vianda decided to partner with WeLink to manage their FOODEX Japan 2024 campaign. They were impressed by WeLink’s deep understanding of the Japanese market, extensive network of local contacts, and proven track record of helping international companies succeed in Japan.

WeLink provided a comprehensive suite of services tailored to Vianda’s needs, including:

  • Pre-Event Planning WeLink worked closely with Vianda to understand their objectives and crafted a tailored strategy to achieve them. This included market research, competitor analysis, and identifying potential distribution partners.
  • Booth Design and Setup WeLink managed the logistics of booth design, ensuring it appealed to Japanese tastes while clearly communicating Vianda’s brand message. They also handled all on-site preparations, allowing Vianda to focus on product demonstrations and networking.
  • Bilingual Support and Cultural Training WeLink provided bilingual project managers and interpreters who facilitated smooth communication between Vianda and potential Japanese partners. They also conducted cultural training sessions for Vianda’s team to help them navigate business meetings and negotiations effectively.
  • Regulatory Compliance Navigating Japan’s stringent food regulations can be challenging, but WeLink’s expertise ensured that all of Vianda’s products met the necessary standards, allowing them to focus on their marketing efforts without legal concerns.

WeLink’s support was invaluable. From understanding the market to setting up our booth, they were with us every step of the way. Their team made us feel confident that we could succeed in Japan. — Carlos Herrera, CEO of Vianda.

The Results

Vianda’s Success in Lead Generation and Market Entry at FOODEX Japan 2024

Vianda’s participation in FOODEX Japan 2024 was an outstanding success. The company not only achieved but exceeded its goals, with a 200% increase in lead generation compared to their previous exhibitions in other countries. This surge in interest was a direct result of the meticulous planning and execution by WeLink, which ensured Vianda’s booth attracted significant attention from both distributors and consumers.

Moreover, Vianda successfully established crucial distribution channels with key Japanese partners, setting the stage for long-term business growth in the region. The feedback from Japanese distributors was overwhelmingly positive, with many expressing admiration for Vianda’s high-quality freeze-dried avocado products.

The results speak for themselves. We were able to connect with the right distributors, and the leads we generated were far beyond our expectations. We couldn’t have done this without WeLink’s expertise and support. — Carlos Herrera, CEO of Vianda.


Lessons Learned from Vianda’s Experience at FOODEX Japan 2024

Vianda’s success at FOODEX Japan 2024 is a testament to the power of strategic planning and local expertise. With WeLink’s guidance, Vianda overcame the challenges of entering a new market and achieved significant business milestones. Vianda’s experience underscores the importance of partnering with professionals who understand the intricacies of the local market.

For any business looking to enter the Japanese market, I would highly recommend working with a partner like WeLink. Their knowledge and network are unparalleled, and they truly care about their clients’ success. — Carlos Herrera, CEO of Vianda.

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