Sales and Marketing

WeLink boosts your business in Japan with expert sales and marketing representation, connecting you with key partners and expanding your market reach.

Discover Our Approach


Service Introduction

WeLink’s Japan Sales and Marketing Representation service bridges your business to success in Japan’s unique market. Acting as your local presence, we offer tailored support in sales, PR, and marketing, significantly reducing the need for a costly setup. Our bilingual team ensures seamless integration and representation, making your entry and expansion in Japan smooth and effective.

Local Market Expertise

  • Define market entry goals.
  • Conduct market opportunity scans.
  • Adapt to Japan’s business culture.
  • Leverage our local networks.

Material Localization

  • Localize sales materials.
  • Tailor brand message for local market.
  • Localize websites and brochures.
  • Design Japan-friendly packaging.

Brand Strategy

  • Develop appealing brand identity.
  • Create engaging logos and names.
  • Implement brand guidelines.
  • Enhance online presence in Japan.

Sales Support

  • Generate and qualify leads to ensure they match your target market.
  • Arrange sales meetings.
  • Handle negotiations and closings to secure deals.
  • Provide after-sales support.

Marketing Execution

  • Execute targeted social media campaigns.
  • Develop engaging email content.
  • Optimize for Japanese search engines.
  • Organize local events and PR.

Compliance Assurance

  • Navigate logistics and importation.
  • Assist with licenses and permits.
  • Ensure compliance with labeling.
  • Trademark and Banking support.


From Initial Setup to Sales Success in Japan

Embark on your journey with WeLink’s tailored timeline, guiding you through each step of establishing your presence in Japan. From initial market analysis to ongoing sales and marketing efforts, our process ensures a seamless transition and sustained growth in the Japanese market.


Frequently Asked Questions

Cost of WeLink vs. Subsidiary Setup?

Opting for WeLink’s services can be far more economical than establishing a subsidiary in Japan, which may exceed $260,000 annually. Our costs are typically less than half of this amount.

Timeline for Marketing Setup?

Post-contract, setup takes 1-2 months, including preparing Japanese marketing materials like websites and brochures.

Speed of Market Entry?

With WeLink, market entry is expedited. Our local expertise allows for a swift and effective launch in the Japanese market.

Assistance with Local Compliance?

Yes, WeLink ensures your business complies with all Japanese legal and regulatory standards, mitigating any compliance risks.

How Does WeLink Cut Costs?

WeLink reduces costs by handling sales, marketing, and support, eliminating the need for a physical subsidiary.

How quickly can we start operations?

Operations can commence shortly after the setup phase, typically within 2-3 months, allowing for swift market entry and activity initiation in Japan.

Can You Manage Online Marketing?

Yes, we handle online marketing campaigns, including social media and digital advertising, tailored to the Japanese market.

Can WeLink Detail Service Costs?

Yes, WeLink provides a clear, tailored cost breakdown for all our services based on your specific needs.

Does WeLink Offer Custom Strategies?

Absolutely, our strategies are fully customizable to meet your specific business needs and goals.

How Does WeLink Enhance Brand Presence?

We use targeted marketing and PR strategies to enhance your brand’s visibility and appeal in Japan.

Have More Questions?

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Start Your Japan
Market Journey

Embark on a successful path in Japan’s market with our expert sales and marketing representation. Let’s connect today!

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Connect with us to explore how our comprehensive sales representation in Japan can transform your business.

Schedule A Call

▪ Schedule your 30-minute consultation.
▪ Attend the scheduled call for a focused Q&A session.